GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (Q train, Car#8914)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (28th street station; uptown bound 6 train)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (28th street station; uptown bound N & R trains)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (57th street station; uptown bound N, R & Q trains)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (28th street station; downtown bound 6 train)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum Station; Manhattan bound 2 & 3 trains)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (Bergen street station; Brooklyn bound 2 & 3 trains)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (Union street station; Manhattan bound R train)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (Borough Hall station; Manhattan bound 4 & 5 trains)
GET OUTTA THE SHIRE: Mirkwood (28th street station; uptown 6 train)